Hair Transplant Surgery Post-Operation: What to Expect?  

Hair loss happens because of different reasons. But, thanks to the constantly changing technology in this world, hair restoration or transplant procedure can now be easily performed with the use of state of the art and specialized techniques such as FUE or Follicular Unit Extraction with microscopic follicular unit grafting and NeoGraft. While a great clinic makes sure that you are comfortable during your hair transplant surgery, post-operative care still needs careful attention in order to avoid any risk of complications after your hair transplant procedure. In this article, you will be able to learn some tips in order to experience a safe, quick, and healthy recovery after a professional hair transplant procedure.  

Tips for a Healthy and Fast Recovery Following a Hair Transplant Procedure  

1. Follow the Instructions of Your Surgeon  

Your appointment before the operation should cover all the things that you need to know and do after the surgery. Your surgeon will also give you a detailed overview of the things that you should expect after your hair transplant surgery apart from seeing more healthy hair in your scalp. While post-operative care generally applies to most people, a trusted, skilled and professional hair transplant service provider will give you written instructions that are tailored to your own needs.   

Typically, your scalp will appear pinkish immediately right after your hair transplant surgery. In addition to that, small scabs around a micro-incision might be covered with subsisting hair in order to keep your transplant inconspicuous. Aside from that, you will also feel more comfortable going out even without wearing a hat or anything that covers your head, after five to seven days.   

2. Never Wash Your Hair at Home  

After your hair transplant surgery, post-op appointments are very important in order to achieve the best hair transplant in Virginia. As a matter of fact, you will be returning to your doctor right on the day after the surgery has been done. Your hair will then be shampooed and blow dried at the office of your surgeon before examining your scalp. In addition to that, your surgeon will also review to you all your after-care instructions for the next weeks, including your four to 6 days modified hair care approach. Aside from that, you can also blow dry and shampoo your hair normally after a week.  

3. Avoid Chemical Hair Processing   

Hair perming, hair coloring, as well as other treatments that are chemical based, are usually done one week before the surgery. On the other hand, you can also schedule your visit to your hair salon at least a month after you had your hair transplant surgery.  

4. Refrain from Doing Intense Activities  

While the recovery time after your hair transplant surgery is minimal, it is still very important that you dedicate yourself to rest as well as fully recuperate. This means that you need to limit taxing and vigorous activities for at least one week after your hair transplant surgery. On the other hand, most patients tend to get back to their normal routing just within two to four days after their surgery.